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2022-09-25 19:12:24

A new "Octopath" game is on the horizon!

This time it's said to have more intertwined stories and a day and night cycle.

I'm sceptical, because the first game wasn't perceived too well here.

Anyway, the artwork for Octopath Traveller 2 is nice, so I uploaded them to our gallery.

If you want to re-read our review for Octopath Traveller 1, you can find it here.

posted by docower

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2022-09-19 08:01:11

Did you ever think how players and monsters meet each other in RPGs?

Well, no?

A haha, in case you did... I wrote a report about it: "Meeting the foes". It's not only limited to random battles (Which everyone seems to dislike).

On another note, you might have noticed that I removed the forums link (again). While participation was slow, the forums were hacked yesterday and I had to deactivate them. Oh well, it was nice while it lasted.

posted by docower

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2022-09-11 15:36:35

This time it's a little "this and that" update, so let's use this news area a bit like a blog.

I fixed some of the styling in the dark version of rpg-o-mania, some of the tables didn't show up properly. I also fixed some of the links in the "music and rpgs" section, as some of the links always go kaput from time to time.

I'm currently working on a company's profile as well as a new "sprite of the month" page.

Until then, enjoy some of Sqaure Enix' Harvestella artwork. I'm still kinda curious about the game.

posted by docower

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2022-09-07 20:36:36

rpg-o-mania turned 23 yesterday. It's incredible what a timespan 23 years are in the web technology.

And to be honest, rpg-o-mania is kind of a dinosaur in that regard. It's still a web 1.0 site where content is created by me and published in written form.

But anyway, it's still here and I still have no plans of shutting it down.

To celebrate, here are some great artworks from Haccan, done for the Mana series: Find them here.

posted by docower

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2022-09-01 19:06:36

I added lots of artwork to our Suikoden gallery.

They're taken from the great wiki Gensopedia, but I didn't mean to "steal" any official art.

Long ago, I received permission by Konami to publish official Suikoden artwork on this site, and all of the artwork is official.

Gensopedia went down the past months after struggling with the Suikoden Fandom wiki (which stole lots of written content from Gensopedia), and I missed the great character artwork posted there. I even asked on reddit if these artworks could be found anywhere else, but I couldn't. So I checked the Internet Archive and "saved" some of the artworks.

Funny though, Gensopedia restarted just as I finished crawling the images. But I thought I'd post them here anyway, as they're pretty great and the "new" Gensopedia looks a bit gloomy, to be honest.

posted by docower

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Really darn old news

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